(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The founder of the Lake County, IL chapter of black lives matter was back in court today and charged with one count of felony bail jumping. This crime is very serious and brings with it a possibility of six years in the Wisconsin Prison System. Clyde J McLemore (62) of Zion, IL is alleged to have committed a new crime while out on bond for a felony of attempted battery to a law enforcement officer and disorderly conduct. Last week a jury came back with a split verdict, convicting McLemore with only a misdemeanor. McLemore was arrested on October 3, 2022 with trespass to state land when he got disorderly during a Waukegan, IL City Council meeting and refused to leave. He was arrested after he shouted, used profanity, called the mayor a “bitch” and refused to leave the meeting. This was all caught on the below body-worn-camera footage. He was out on bail and awaiting trial at the time. At first, neither Kenosha County DA Michael Graveley nor Walworth County DA Zeke Wiedenfeld would charge McLemore. Only after this author filed a John Doe petition, did Wiedenfeld file charges. McLemore has a criminal history spanning almost 45 years with many felony convictions, some violent.
Wiedenfeld will now have a second kick at the cat, so to speak. He will have to convince a jury that McLemore committed a crime while out on bond. That should be easy to do, as his conduct was all captured on cameras:
McLemore arrived 4 and a half hours early by mistake today for his hearing and I was there for another case. McLemore said “This motha’ fuckin’ reporter is always everywhere I’m at. What’s your problem with Black Lives Matter?” I told McLemore his political affiliations didn’t make his conduct newsworthy, but his history of violence does, like when he dragged a Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy with his car and injured the deputy. He then told me that I got the number of felonies that he’s been charged with wrong. I asked him for the correct number and he responded “my attorney told me not to talk to you.” During the Rittenhouse trial, he told me and a group of about 50 protesters that he “had more than 20 felonies.”

His attorney, is a far-left liberal activist attorney that took McLemore’s case on a pro-bono basis at first, but then convinced the State of Wisconsin to make the taxpayers pay McLemore’s legal bills. She doesn’t like KCE. In fact, during McLemore’s trial she objected to me taking photos, saying that my camera was too loud and distracting. The Judge refused to ban photography, but politely asked that I limit photos, which I happily obliged. Vishny is also representing a number of other folks involved in the Kenosha riots of 2020, seemingly all on a pro bono basis. Today, Vishny argued that McLemore’s conduct during the meeting in which he was arrested was all conduct protected by the first amendment. She made a similar motion in the previous case, saying that McLemore kicking a door closed to injure a police officer was protected first amendment activity. Vishny is also claiming that DA Wiedenfeld either concealed information in the criminal complaint or inserted inaccurate information, known as a “Franks-Mann” violation.

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
McLemore had on a gold necklace that he quickly concealed when I was taking his photo. I got one just before. The necklace said “BLM” and looked expensive. It is unknown if Patrisse Khan-Cullors purchased the necklace for McLemore.

Kenosha Circuit Court Commissioner Loren “Larry” Keating will hear the motion to dismiss in February of 2023.

15 Responses
He will walk on this too. Can’t riot for accountability and then expect accountability
His Spike Lee starter set is coming along. Has Gravely issued any apologies for the charge yet?
What a surprise in my opinion. Another violent, angry, uneducated, dysfunctional, black man most probably raised by pathological welfare queen deep in the hood. Gather up this one and the millions floating around the United States like him that pose a real threat to the country. Place them in front of a jury panel of their peers and ask them one simple question. Please explain to us what you are most proud of in your life. If they have accomplished next to nothing other than sucking the backbone out of the country the solution is simple. Hard labor, rehabilitation, or deportation to some third world shit hole. The poverty pimps, race hustlers, and shit ball radical leftists love people like this guy. Hopefully their days are numbered.
Sounds like the attorney is advocating for violence on police officers, time to look into license certification? Regardless, thanks for being there and I hope that the court system will finally be allowed to work, and prosecute someone who is worse than a wasted life, because he actually harms others while they are doing good. BLM was a farce and a fundraiser from the start, a wealth distribution scam to take money from idiots and give it to bad operators.
Kevin…will you give classes on what we can do as citizens legally to help hold officials accountable? The more we know the right steps to take the better equipped we can be to fight back legally like you do! People a fed up but so often we don’t know how to take steps tike you do to hold officials accountable. Thanks!
Typical career thug.
His mouth and his attitude will eventually end up writing a check that neither his fists, nor his attorneys will be able to cash.
This bitch isn’t fooling anyone with his fake ass gold 14k necklace. He probably bought it from Gurnee Mills in one of the little middle kiosk shops.
BTW, who fitted those glasses for him? He has too weak of a face for those with that little nose.
I don’t shop at Gurnee mills
Shocked!!!! they haven’t charged his grandma, mother, sister in law or anyone he’s been “steppin” around with as an accessory to the crime, That’s how it works folks. Remember the John Doe investigation into former Governor Walker? When they want you, they’ll use every legal tool as a weapon to get you. Make sure you greet each other while making that public appearance at church on Sunday.
Black Lives Matter a criminal organization run by career criminals . This guy is a prime example . He feels he lives outside the law because of racial injustice. With that being said this thug has people running interference for him on a grand scale . 2 county prosecutors afraid of him and his gold gangster chain . Gravely is a disgrace to Kenosha county
If White people are “supposed to” feel bad for injustices centuries ago where black people were victims-
Are black people supposed to feel ashamed for living in North America, as it was taken from the natives? Asking for a friend…
In other news:
Looks like Sharmain Harris wasn’t pardoned. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/WIGOV/bulletins/33e72d5
Any updates on his Parkside gig and his dad’s pedo case?
In other news:
Looks like Sharmain Harris wasn’t pardoned– https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/WIGOV/bulletins/33e72d5
Any updates on his Parkside gig and his dad’s pedo case?
KCE asked Evers about Harris not being on the list showing that he Pardoned him,
but he didn’t answer KCE. KCE mentions it in his report thinking maybe Evers was embarrassed????