Kenosha County doesn’t want America’s judge, Bruce E. Schroeder to preside over our public records lawsuit against the Sheriff’s Department. County Executive Samantha Kerkman authorized the high-priced, out-of-town law firm’s two attorneys to request a substitution of the Honorable Bruce E. Schroeder. They will get a new judge. Schroeder is the longest serving judge in the State of Wisconsin and he is universally known by lawyers as one of the most knowledgeable and fair judges. Believe it or not, there are judges that rule contrary to law to protect governments. Even during the Jensen trial, Judge Milisauskas made a comment that “If you want a fair trial, you want [Judge Schroeder.]”
The attorneys who asked for a new Judge, and Kerkman herself, know that Schroeder is fair and knows the law, but they are hoping for a new judge that is pro-government. This is a David and Goliath case here. KCE founder and Editor, Kevin Mathewson is a high-school graduate representing himself, and has to battle four attorneys. Still, they didn’t think the odds were in their favor, with the unprecedented redaction of a series of body-cam videos to protect a local attorney and politician, Ted Kmiec. They redacted every inch of the video and digitally manipulated Kmiec’s voice. This has never been seen by this author in this state, or any other state.
Kerkman campaigned on transparency, so it is confusing for some conservatives who supported her why she would spend such money to protect Kmiec. Also, she seemingly has very low confidence in the county’s attorneys. They are the ones that gave the Sheriff the advice to redact the video, why doesn’t she think they can defend the decision in court?
The Sheriff’s Department is slowly sending KCE more information about this public records request at the advice of the attorneys and are likely trying to utilize the disastrous Friend of Frame Park Supreme Court Decision to avoid having to pay our legal fees. The legislature is trying to fix this judicial activist decision.
Even still, no matter the judge, we will not give up and we will fight this to the end.
28 Responses
Fight the judge change !!
Even file another motion to stop the change!! Just because they ask doesn’t mean it Must be granted. Does it ??
Go to judge Schroeder to fight the change.
Not that anyone thinks you (Kevin) are going to lose but don’t agree to the change !!!!!!
I voted for Sam. Though mostly on the political level, I really wanted to give her a shot being from “out here in the county”.
This is a big disappointment Sam !!
Ted Kmiec made the call. He knew it would be recorded. He’s in that business. No protection needed. He owns his words, his tone, his demeanor. No excuse is acceptable.
In Wisconsin the opportunity to substitute a judge is provided by law. No reason is needed. This avoids putting litigants in a tough spot of having to basically show a judge why he or she is believed to be biased. Kevin also has the opportunity to ask for a new judge as well.
It is a big disappointment! I have known Sam for 20 years and this feels like a gut punch that she is no different than the other RINOs in our country
Of course Kerkman’s a RINO. If she weren’t, she wouldn’t have been backed by the old Kenosha GOP. They were the RINO club— Decker, Nudo, Verzal— RINOs. She’s so closely connected to the RINO king, Mob Boss Vos, there’s no logical way that she is anything other than a RINO.
What do people expect? It’s a nonpartisan administrative position (officially) with limited responsibilities now occupied by someone who has to learn on the job in the absence of any administrative experience.
^^^^ this guy is crooked, crooked, crooked.
Hey CLARK- have you beat your wife lately ?
Is Kerkman really a RHINO?
Seems that way, or just someone who is a politically useless. If you are not helping to drain the swamp, you are the swamp.
It sure looks like it!
she became one as soon as she got her new position
No, she’s not RINO. Look at her voting record, idiots.
What in the world are they hiding???
This is sick and disgusting! There is really no finer judge than Bruce Schroeder and if Samantha Kerkman and her ilk want someone different, it just shows how guilty and evil they are! I would fight this tooth and nail!
There is nothing to fight unless the request was (1) untimely or (2) not in proper form. It’s the law.
Not a surprise to me at all. This is yet another disappointment by Sam – a person not for the people but for themselves and their interest.
Looks like Sam the keno so called leader and rino is part of the problem. Call her out soon if needed please.
I don’t like her and have a personal story in which I was correct on a business law issue and she told me I was, but I was one person against many and she said votes count.
This is cowardly and devastating!
?? I deem Samantha, “SHAMantha!”
Another RINO (Republican In Name Only) that’s exposed herself as a likely member of the Kimono Cabal.
God help us and may God help Kevin Mathewson!
*This is my opinion while I’m still allowed to have one.
#Kenoshastan #RedactingTruth !
^^^^ crooked, crooked, crooked. Deal with your own trash before attacking others, please. And you do have a lot of trash in your life.
America’s judge ???
She’s obviously knows the person in the video is covered up for the him.
Samantha true colors are showing.
Voters will remember.
The lawyers are the same one that lost to Michael Bell.
Just FYI
Calling people a RINO because you don’t like them personally or because you don’t like their decision on a matter shows lack of intelligence. Kerkman has shown that she is a conservative, just look at her 20 YEAR voting record. She’s hardly a RINO. Was she the most conservative in the assembly, no. But hardly a RINO. It’s a shame that people who call themselves Republicans would seek to destroy a longtime public servant because they don’t agree with her on something. Instead, the intelligent thing to do is to reach out to her and explain why you disagree. I think the records should be released too. We will see what happens in court.
Samantha – What the fuck are you doing?
I’m a big supporter and you are losing me and I will make it known that you are protecting a criminal. You only won because Kreuser didn’t run. The same people that voted the corruption out of Salem are the ones that elected you to the position you are holding. You are committing political suicide. I’m very loud.
When will we see the story on Kerkman’s first year in office?
Rino or not, every elected official needs to be voted out the second they fail to reflect the will of the people.