Kmiec’s Salem Home Where He Was Arrested
(Kenosha Sheriff’s Department and Google Street View)
A 23-year-old Salem man is holding on a $5,000 cash bail today after his initial appearance. The charges include felony child abuse – recklessly causing bodily harm, six counts of felony bail jumping, and intimidation of a victim. According to the criminal complaint, Trenton Kmiec’s high-school aged girlfriend called the Sheriff’s Department just before midnight on May 1, 2023. She was upset and crying when a deputy arrived. She asked the deputy to drive her down the road so she wasn’t talking in front of the house. She then told him that she and her boyfriend, Trenton Kmiec, had a fight. She said that Kmiec threw her very hard and her head hit something. She had a visible “goose egg” on the right side of her head near her temple. She then tried to call 9-1-1, but Kmiec took the phone away from her, hung it up and said “you’re not doing that.” She then begged for her phone back, but Kmiec called her a “whore” and told her to lay down and sleep or walk home. He then said he hoped she got abducted.

(File Photos By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
She then told deputies that Kmiec has a “team of lawyers.” She was probably talking about Kmiec’s father, Ted Kmiec who is a former politician, and his law partner Kevin Noonan. Both men have represented the younger Kmiec several times.
The Kenosha County Deputy must have questioned the potentially illegal relationship, as he asked about the age. Kmiec said he didn’t know that his girlfriend was underage. Kmiec also denied touching her and said he didn’t know how she got the fresh “goose egg” on her head.

Trenton Kmiec has seemingly received the white-glove treatment from judges, court commissioners and prosecutors for the last several years. This is Kmiec’s fourth open and active felony file. In total, he faces a maximum of 70 years in the Wisconsin Prison System.
First OWI
Kmiec was driving while intoxicated on June 26, 2017. He was later convicted.
Kenosha County Drug Possession
In 2017, Kmiec was involved in a crime involving drugs. He was arrested. DA Graveley (D) sent this case to Racine County to be “fixed” and progressive Racine County DA Patricia Hanson did not charge Kmiec, but allowed him to participate in a drug program.
Fond du Lac County Armed Pursuit
On November 24, 2021, police and prosecutors say that Kmiec lead multiple police officers and agencies on a 25 minute long, 22 mile police chase while armed and under the influence of drugs. Kmiec refused to pull over for police and drove erratically at speeds up to 85 miles per hour. He endangered many people’s lives by swerving all over the road and narrowly missing innocent bystanders. At one point he swerved around stop sticks, was rammed by police, did a 360 degree spin, but continued to evade. Eventually, Kmiec flipped the car and crashed in a ditch. Police found a Glock 19 in his possession with an extended 30-round magazine in the car. A drug recognition expert determined that Kmiec was under the influence of stimulants. There were also empty bottles of Cyclobenzaprine and Tramadol in his upside down car. Kmiec also had two Buprenorphine narcotic patches on his body. Kmiec also had a powdery substance on his nostril. Kmiec was charged with (1) Second Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (2) Fleeing and Eluding – Causing Damage to Property, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (3) Felony Criminal Damage to Property, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (4) Possession of a Firearm While Intoxicated, and (5) OWI (2nd). One of the victims told police that Kmiec caused $8,000 in damage to his property. Believe it or not, Governor Evers (D) appointee, Judge Tricia Walker, gave Kmiec a no-cash bond. He was released without having to pay a cent. He is awaiting trial for this case.

(Fond Du Lac County Sheriff)
Kenosha County Drug Possession
On September 2, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Kmiec was pulled over and had schedule 2 narcotics in his vehicle. Kmiec tried to throw the drugs out of his car, but the astute Deputy Tifft reviewed his squad footage and saw Kmiec throw the bag. DA Graveley sent this case to Racine County and DA Patricia Hanson’s office is handling it. Even with the serious felony file pending, Kenosha County Court Commissioner Larry Keating gave Kmiec a no-cash bail and Kmiec was released without having to pay a cent. Keating is usually reasonable with bond decisions according to local defense attorneys. Kmiec is awaiting trial on this case.
Winnebago County Drug Trafficking Arrest
Police and prosecutors say that on February 19, 2023, Kmiec was located in a bar by police, which was against his bond conditions. On his person, they found 13 plastic baggies, each contained fentanyl. Police obtained a search warrant for his home. When they arrived, they were met by Kmiec’s high-school aged girlfriend mentioned earlier. They found cutting agents and other drug manufacturing items in his bedroom. His minor girlfriend said that she didn’t know he sold drugs, but was “suspicious” of him. She thought he was selling vitamins to people posing as cocaine. Winnebago County prosecutors charged Kmiec with (1) Possession – Intent to Deliver, (2) Maintaining a Drug-Trafficking Place, and (3) Felony Bail Jumping. They could have charged him with multiple counts of bail-jumping, but did not. Believe it or not, a liberal court Commissioner named Eric Heywood gave Kmiec a no-cash bail and he was released without paying a cent. He is awaiting trial for this case.

(Winnebago County Sheriff)
Today In Court

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
DA Graveley handed this case off to one of his “fixer,” Racine County DA Patricia Hanson and she sent a prosecutor today to court in Kenosha.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court today, Racine County Assistant District Attorney Christopher Steenrod at least pretended to take this case seriously and said that Kmiec can’t be trusted to come to court. He asked for a $7,500 cash bail.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Keating, seemingly disagreed with Steenrod and ordered only a $5,000 cash bail. Kmiec will likely be released in the near future.

(Kenosha Sheriff’s Department)
This isn’t the first time the Kmiec family got white glove treatment. On April 25, 2020, Ted Kmiec and his wife Connie got into an altercation. According to the two-count criminal complaint, Connie grabbed Ted by the arm and dug her nails into him until he started to bleed. Graveley sent this case to Racine to be “fixed.” Hanson dismissed all charges.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

We reached out today to both Hanson and Graveley. We are thankful they responded.
Graveley had the following to say:
“Cases have been referred to Racine when we felt that best removed any potential conflict. No case has ever been referred to Racine or any other county with a request as to any outcome. Just as when we accept appointments from other counties, I expect any county which accepts our cases to make a completely independent assessment of appropriate actions and outcomes.”
We asked Graveley why he recuses himself on all the Kmiec family cases and he said “We feel there is a potential conflict and appearance of conflict because we have cases together on an almost daily basis as well as some social interactions,”
Hanson had the following to say:
“I can only comment on past cases that are closed, we have a pending case for Trenton Kenosha 22CF1368 where my office is a special prosecutor. I don’t see any case that have “gone away”.
In 2017, Trenton was referred to a drug diversion program while my office was a special prosecutor. He was eligible for a Kenosha County Program that existed at that time. He met the conditions of the diversion and charges were not issued.
In 2020, my office was the special prosecutor for Trenton again on traffic and ordinance citations. A plea agreement was reached and he plead to one of four charges. Not an uncommon outcome.
As for Connie, she participated in a first time offender diversion program in 2020 and successfully completed her diversion so charges were dismissed. This was done in consultation with the victim, Ted Kmiec, pursuant to Marsy’s Law.
I am unaware of any new charges from this week.”
I asked Hanson why Kmiec wasn’t charged with any sex-related crimes due to the girl’s age. She said she won’t discuss that issue. Judge Tricia Walker of Fond du Lac County and Commissioner Eric Heywood of Winnebago county didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on their choice of no-cash bails.
We published this article last year about some other notable cases in which Kenosha DA Mike Graveley recuses himself, not because of actual conflicts, but because of tough decision about charging. Whether or not the “fixing” is implicit or explicit isn’t clear, but the “fixing” is obvious.

(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The house deputies were called to Monday, for Trenton Kmiec’s alleged child abuse, victim intimidation, and bail jumping, was the same house in which Ted Kmiec’s mistress died of an apparent drug overdose. Ted Kmiec is a local attorney and Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner. We asked Kmiec if he knew that his son’s girlfriend was underage and we didn’t hear back. Kmiec was recently unelected from the Salem Lakes Village Board, a position he held for many years.
Prosecutors and judges aren’t the only people who have protected the Kmiec family. KCE is involved in a lawsuit with the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department because Kmiec called police to tell them that I bugged his home and was hacking his ring doorbell camera. I requested the body camera footage. The Sheriff’s Department released the most redacted body-camera video imaginable. They wanted to protect Kmiec from embarrassment.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
County Executive Samantha Kerkman, who is friends with Kmiec, has vowed to spend an unlimited amount of money on two of the most expensive public records attorneys in the state to prohibit KCE from obtaining the clear or audible body camera footage. Kerkman has offered to either have the body-camera footage transcribed, at my cost, or the county will hire an audio expert to un-alter Kmiec’s voice, and re-alter it so his words can be understood, again, at my expense. I rejected the laughable offer. The county’s legal bills will be obtained after this case is over to see exactly how much of your money Kerkman is willing to spend to help a friend. We asked her why her friendship with Kmiec is more important than the rule of law and responsible spending – she didn’t respond. I offered to dismiss the lawsuit if the county un-altered the voice. I was willing to allow the video to be redacted due to mental health and hoarder allegations in Kmiec’s home. Kerkman said “no.”
79 Responses
The Road Apple doesn’t fall from the Horse’s Arse while Sam, dressed like a Circus Clown, looks on with a broom and Dust Pan readying herself for clean-up duty.
Wow the DA and the new county executive.
Kenosha corruption continues.
Let’s not forget Pleasant Prairie corruption.
Kenosha County wake up.
Why do you continue to mislead people about your lawsuit and the county executive? She has no control over those records, the sheriff is the one refusing to release them to you.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to educate you. The County’s corporation counsel, the lawyers, report to the County Exec. They are the ones who told the Sheriff to deny the records. Yes, The Sheriff could have handed them over. He didn’t. The County Exec is now in charge of approving and denying offers of settlement.
Sounds like your beef is still with the Sheriff then…..you endorsed him heavily and you probably don’t want to criticize him for it. However, it sounds like he is the one who is shitting on you regardless.
Bottom line, the buck stops with him….he is the one who ultimately makes the decision regardless of what anyone else’s view or recommendation is.
I think menace to society about sums this up. Book Em Marv. I’m glad someone shed light to this favoritism I thought Wisconsin played by the book of law.
Ha! Kevin Owned you! Maybe quit listening to your liberal buddies on what fits your agenda
This country is corrupt top to bottom. Systematically in place like concrete. Any honest hard working American is screwed.
Thankfully, we at least have an honest hard working journalist in Kenosha County willing to take chances to help the truth come out about all the corruption here.
Hahaha aww your a little confused
That’s why the Germans (National Socialists) burned the trash books, closed the masonic temples, kicked the freemasons out and made charging interest illegal. They backed their new currency with their labor and threw the central bankers out. People were actually able to reap what they sowed. They turned their country around quickly and had the best standard of living for all of its citizens, but it showed the world what could be done when the central bank was kicked out and the banksters couldn’t have it. So, WAR.
More true history in those few sentences than any of our kids will ever learn in public education or any of you here will ever realize.
There is a solution (not a political one). The model for it just needs to be replicated.
Why does Kmiec keep getting special treatment, he seems to be nothing but a hack as attorney and as ex elected official? Why is Kerkman is wasting our tax dollars covering up her friend who is poster boy of BAD choices? Also bad decision on sheriff to not release video, why not release it? Stink trail gets longer sorry I voted for them!
Voting does seem to be a waste of time. It’s not a red blue issue. It’s corrupt top to bottom. Red or blue. It’s quite hopeless and it does seem to be a global issue.
Even at the bottom it seems the only way up is to lie cheat steal. Like George Carlin said, it’s a club and we ain’t in it.
More rigged every day against honesty and integrity.
Freemasons protecting each other?
Not really sure how freemasonry has anything to do with any of this
You are the dipshit who voted for these people….so now feel free to STFU.
As opposed to voting for the alternative?
Kevin shines a bright spotlight on corruption in our government. Time to share and spread the word, drive these people out of office and hopefully drive them away.
I told you all that Sam Kerkman is a real peach! She is as dirty as they come! The KCGOP should be ashamed of itself for putting forth and supporting a candidate like Samantha Kerkman. She is horrible and corrupt! And, not very bright!
The KGOP that got Kerkman & Zoerner elected is on the county board, so when you’re tossing those two, don’t forget to toss Decker & Nudo.
If this was any other 23 year old with that long of a criminal history, they would have been locked up by now and had a nice cash bail set!!
WTF is wrong with all of these wannabe judges, known as commissioners? Such a messed up political arena that the taxpayers have unfortunately voted in! The majority of all politicians are crooked and part of the “above the law” standard along with obviously their family and friends!!! Corruption at it’s finest!! ?
Corruption at its finest right up there with Pleasant Prairie. Village of Pleasant Prairie sucks, Salem sucks, and Kerkman sucks along with everyone giving Trenton special treatment. If this was a regular person they would have been locked up. What about protecting the public from this pos? Keating if this ass hurts someone or god forbid kills someone while out on your bond, this is on you. Shame on you Keating, shame on you.
Looks like they may have killed someone… fentanyl kills… lock em both up
Know the right reasons to be in a “relationship”.
Well, he sure is exciting and charismatic.
Dang < Well again its who you know $ 5000 bond. Amazing I know a person that got into an argument with his ex no visible marks, just on her word, he had 100 k bail and judge gave him prison time …… amazing are system?!
The only one you can count on any more is Bob Wirch
If you’re looking for someone to show up empty handed at a pot luck, then buffet Bob is your man.
Yep. Kenosha Fake News will say he was “well received” at the church fish fry but anyone who was there knows he left before anyone could see him and before his food could get cold.
People like Wirch, Beth, Gravely, etc that have made a living off the taxpayers while fucking us in the ass are exactly why Kameltoe Harris, Cory Booker and Jessie Smollet were trying to get lynching laws passed.
I don’t see a problem
Then you yourself are a problem, too!
the fuck?!??!!
Another hit piece by a wannabe??? I have no idea. It’s a free country, post what you want. Remember what dominion did to Fox? Mr. Journalist!
Here come the threats for exposing truth. Go fuck yourself.
The BIG difference here is that our local journalist that is guided by Christ and has a set of balls isn’t playing sides or misguiding the “right” to help sew division like FOX does.
Seems to me he is neither left nor right but sheds light on the corrupt on both sides of the political aisle.
The only agenda KCE seems to have is wanting to clean up the trash in Kenosha.
That’s what I really like about KCE! No sides taken…everyone gets exposed….no favorites.
Even if they were supported by KCE, they will still get exposed if they aren’t doing something right. Facts and Truths.
I happen to know Rockford Bob prefers a fish fry.(free)
There’s a couple of things going on.
Younger Kmiec obviously has a major drug problem. He was given the benefit of a diversion program which is not necessarily wrong but didn’t learn his lesson. He obviously needs more significant treatment. And, to be fair, he’s not the first kid in a family to go sour.
The second thing is the domestic violence and that’s far more troubling. It’s one thing to be someone who can’t control a drug habit. There are millions of them. But violence is another story.
There sure is a lot of death, drugs and corruption surrounding Ted Kmiec. The county protecting him, shows that people within our government are entrenched with him.
Kerkman, zoerner, decker and Nudo. You helped them get into office with you endorsement. Now you are upset. I hope you see all sides are crooked. They are two different wings on the same corrupt bird
That’s the thing about KCE….Kevin Mathewson does expose both sides regardless who KCE supported. When something is corrupt, he tells you the facts about it and exposes the truth. Thank you Kevin!
If he exposes both sides why is he not going after his buddy , the sheriff?
I filed a lawsuit against the Sheriff. The caption of the case is Kevin Mathewson versus David W. Zoerner
Speaking of white glove treatment, what happened at Steinbrink Jr’s court hearing yesterday (5/4)?
Looks like he has a new lawyer
Case not resolved. On for trial.
Steinbrink Jr has a new lawyer? What’s happening? Did Steinbrink use up all the stashed money he had taken from the PP citizens and now can’t pay as as much or are we all paying for a more expensive lawyer for him???
Menard’s was rumored in running an unadvertised deal for Legal Services for which JR cashed in all his PP earned Menard’s Rebate Cards.
Quick justice, what a joke.
Being around Trent in high school makes none of this surprising. He’s had a drug problem for years. Terrifying that he’s gotten away with so much and it’s escalated to child endangerment.
I hate drugs. I hate drug dealers. The damage done to our communities is incalculable. Destroys people, families, productivity and society and yet we have politicians who embrace them. Sick.
This thread reads like it is a put the pin in Ted Kmiec’s voodoo doll. As attractive and convenient as that may seem there’s a much larger demon about than a transplanted Chicago lawyer who has made enemies. We need to be honest about this. (And, no, this doesn’t excuse whatever shenanigans the Kmiec clan has been into.)
I have a half century in law enforcement. Contrary to what many people think, drug addicts can come from good families where the parents have made every effort to do the right thing. The lure of drugs and easy availability fuel this, of course, but I have seen dozens of good families broken and bankrupt because of their children. The human toll of wasted lives is enormous and growing and people with their own little agendas are unwilling to do what needs to be done to the point where probably not much can be done.
The issue of the bond set here amounts to snowflakes in an avalanche. Drug addicts rarely stop their habits on a dime. There’s a good shot that bond would be posted here and Kmiec would be out again. The prosecutor asked for $7500. The magistrate set $5000. Is there a “magic number” that will truly protect the community and ensure future court appearances? I don’t know. I think the bond set was modest but I don’t know what the right amount is.
There was nothing wrong with farming the case out to another county. Pretty standard practice. The early opportunities for diversion are not out of line. What we know, though, is that they don’t work all that well (but are better than nothing). Modest intervention can work with people who have more minor drug issues and who may respond to this intervention but many can’t and won’t. The early drug courts failed often because they targeted first offenders and served up far more resources than necessary. The evidence from this shows that treatment courts work best with more “hard core” users who have or are coming to the conclusion that they are on a dead end street and need to change. The evidence also shows that it takes time and hard work to kick a habit. The “28-day” miracle “rehab” cures are little more than an expensive ripoff bleeding desperate families. Drug court experience shows that it takes 12-18 months to show results and then it’s a lifelong process.
Kenosha County has a drug court. That seems like good news but the reality is that it can only handle a small number of cases. A lot of resources are being directed at a few while the problem is much larger. Kenosha, Wisconsin and the nation are lacking in drug treatment. The most spending was done during the Nixon administration. Successful drug treatment — and it isn’t always successful — takes time, money and a lot of intensive resources. While that’s expensive so is the cost of drug abuse.
The younger Kmiec seems like a person who might benefit from a treatment court program BUT because of his violent past he won’t likely be a candidate. Drug courts routinely refuse violent offenders. All it would take is for one to do something bad and the media will be all over it.
The main reason this kid is “in the news” is because of his father which in a way is too bad because his case is more typical than many people would think. The elder Kmiec hasn’t helped and his own choices have been widely discussed. While that’s certainly the elephant in the room the truth is that this happens to more virtuous families as well. Substance abuse is an equal opportunity offense. We’ve had cases involving doctors, nurses, accountants and lawyers.
The other problem is locking up drug offenders. Frankly, and this goes against the liberal grain these days, some of these people really need the “time out”and so does the community but it’s very expensive and we don’t have enough room in the jails and prisons plus when they are there the substance abuse treatment options are lacking. I’ve talked to incarcerated young people who beg for help that they can’t get and if they don’t they are more likely to commit more crimes when they get out. Having said that, a common misperception is that drug users are widely committing a plethora of crimes in the community. Many addicts commit crimes to support their habit BUT a kid in treatment set me straight when he that people mistakenly think that’s always true. He explained that if you steal you’ll likely get caught and get locked up and if you’re locked up you’re cut off so he would be up early every day to be first in line at the labor pool, work 11 hours a day, get his fix and some sleep and be back at it the next day. (Another takeaway from this is the false assumption that if someone is working their addiction is in the rear view mirror. Not always true.)
So, where’s the corruption? (Like Pogo, we’ve seen the enemy and he is us!) We’ve had 60 years of some incarnation of a drug unit making arrests in Kenosha County and yet we still have a drug problem. Of course it would be worse if they didn’t try but we need to get real, folks. Our substance abuse treatment is a sick joke. And our local politicians duck and hide when it comes to doing anything to address it. What did our county exec do when she was in the legislature??? What has the county board done? City council? Plus there’s the reality that no matter how much effort and money are thrown at it the problem isn’t going away.
Yeah, the elder Kmiec is the guy you love to hate but the problem in this county is one Hell of a lot bigger than him.
✡️ created cult-ure. Created to remove God, family structure, morality. Just like pre WW2 Germany.
You are a sick person. The Jews have nothing to do this. Think about all the hardcore, redneck, rural, gun toting “patriots” who are addicted to meth and opioids. Many of these addicts have the same warped world -view as you. Did the jews lead them into their addictions? I doubt it.
Call a wambulance, pussy. I would take any one of those hardcore, redneck, rural, gun toting patriots by my side over evil pieces of shit like you. They can be led, they just need to know who they are and who hates them. It’s quite simple.
Word of the day: LOXISM
So, it looks like your are saying that the Jews did not lead this group of people into their addictions.
The solution is to charge the highest crime applicable to each crime, and don’t plea bargain it down. Then the judges have to actually sentence criminals harshly. They can do drug treatment from inside of the jail/prison. We see the photos once or twice a year of the 1 or 2 good outcomes from drug court, we don’t see the other 5000 failures.
The prisons are full and do not have adequate drug treatment programs. That is a complaint from the inmates as well.
Thats a lie. The Prison system is full of programs for drugs an alcohol. There are several voluntary programs there is AA and NA programs. The programs they want are the ones that go on there record for parole and PRC. So they can get out earlier or get dropped in classification. The inmates refuse the voluntary programs cause they rather go to rec or gamble in the dayroom.
Spoken like a guy with a kid with a drug problem and arrest record, perhaps?
Yes,anyone can have a shit head kid,but it still needs to start at home. No family unit and legalizing drugs are hallmarks of the brain dead.
Kevin, Great job, keep doing what you are doing, the TRUTH that’s what matters.
wow lol, are you serious?? Gravely for DA, what’s his deal! I mean I remember being in a spot where I made some bad choices but in the end it really only affected me. I went to try and get my record expunged because I just finished school for nursing and of course the petition was denied whatever happened to “allowing a person to change” but I looked to see who the DA was on my case and what do you know it was Gravely. I had some fights with girls my age at time and that landed me some battery charges but wow I wish he would of sent my case over to one of his fixer uppers I see this is a trend for him.
What happened to your story about the false warning sirens?
I was wondering the same thing. Had a great comment too, then poof gone.
That story was up shorter than an appearance by Bob Wirch at the local church fundraiser before getting some fish and chips.
Great article!
Ted Kmiec’s girlfriend died because of drugs, sounds like the whole family is involved in it, need to investigate Ted ( father ) I’m sure they would find a lot going on and a lot of cover ups associated with him and his family in Kenosha. Time to reveal all of it !!! and everyone that’s associated with them.
Ted Kmiec’s girlfriend died because of drugs, sounds like the whole family is involved in it, need to investigate Ted ( father ) I’m sure they would find a lot going on and a lot of cover ups associated with him and his family in Kenosha. Time to reveal all of it !!! and everyone that’s associated with them.
And the kid is in jail yet again. Just got out on the 16th, back in on the 27th. WTH?
It seems that the white glove treatment also extends to Kmiec’s brother, Don. from Fox Lake, Il. Don caused a ruckus at his children’s dance recital with the Laura Cote Dance Academy in Wisconsin yesterday. I was in the building and Don Kmiec called the emergency police number, and being in a school building the cops shot right over. He seems to have a very bad temper and was yelling along with his mother and F-bombs were being thrown all over the place. An officer Lopez (unit 384) came and made out a report. When a person involved in this chaos called the police today, she was told that no report was filed. Ted was also there yesterday, I guess he took care of everything. Talk to Laura Cote, Don was pretty rough on her. I think he needs deep therapy.
This this fucking guys a Chomo on top of being a shitbag? Him and his Daddy deserve broomsticks up dat ass.