(Waukegan Police)
The Walworth County DA, Zeke Wiedenfeld dismissed a felony charge this morning against a violent Illinois man. Kenosha DA Mike Graveley recused himself on this case, as he is a BLM supporter.
The founder of the Lake County, IL chapter of black lives matter was charged with one count of felony bail jumping. This crime is very serious and brings with it a possibility of six years in the Wisconsin Prison System. Clyde J McLemore (62) of Zion, IL is alleged to have committed a new crime while out on bond for a felony of attempted battery to a law enforcement officer and disorderly conduct. Late last year a jury came back with a split verdict, convicting McLemore with only a misdemeanor.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
McLemore was arrested on October 3, 2022 with trespass to state land when he got disorderly during a Waukegan, IL City Council meeting and refused to leave. He was arrested after he shouted, used profanity, called the mayor a “bitch” and refused to leave the meeting. This was all caught on the below body-worn-camera footage. He was out on bail and awaiting trial at the time. At first, neither Kenosha County DA Michael Graveley nor Walworth County DA Zeke Wiedenfeld would charge McLemore. Only after this author filed a John Doe petition, did Wiedenfeld file charges. McLemore has a criminal history spanning almost 45 years with many felony convictions, some violent.
McLemore arrived 4 and a half hours early by mistake in December for his hearing and I was there for another case. McLemore said “This motha’ fuckin’ reporter is always everywhere I’m at. What’s your problem with Black Lives Matter?” I told McLemore his political affiliations didn’t make his conduct newsworthy, but his history of violence does, like when he dragged a Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy with his car and injured the deputy. He then told me that I got the number of felonies that he’s been charged with wrong. I asked him for the correct number and he responded “my attorney told me not to talk to you.” During the Rittenhouse trial, he told me and a group of about 50 protesters that he “had more than 20 felonies.”

His attorney, Deja Vishny, is a far-left liberal activist attorney that took McLemore’s case on a pro-bono basis at first, but then convinced the State of Wisconsin to make the taxpayers pay McLemore’s legal bills. She doesn’t like KCE. In fact, during McLemore’s trial she objected to me taking photos, saying that my camera was too loud and distracting. The Judge refused to ban photography, but politely asked that I limit photos, which I happily obliged. Vishny is also representing a number of other folks involved in the Kenosha riots of 2020, seemingly all on a pro bono basis. Vishny argued that McLemore’s conduct during the meeting in which he was arrested was all conduct protected by the first amendment. She made a similar motion in the previous case, saying that McLemore kicking a door closed to injure a police officer was protected first amendment activity. Vishny is also claiming that DA Wiedenfeld either concealed information in the criminal complaint or inserted inaccurate information, known as a “Franks-Mann” violation.

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
McLemore had on a gold necklace that he quickly concealed when I was taking his photo in December. I got one just before. The necklace said “BLM” and looked expensive. It is unknown if Patrisse Khan-Cullors purchased the necklace for McLemore.

We made contact with Walworth County District Attorney Zeke Wiedenfeld to ask why he dismissed the charge. He sent us a copy of a letter he sent to the Kenosha Court. The Lake County Illinois State’s attorney Eric Rinehart (D) dismissed the Illinois criminal charge against McLemore so Wiedenfeld did the same with the Wisconsin Felony. Wiedenfeld, as an excuse said “I believe the defendant’s inappropriate conduct at the meeting could still be considered by the court when sentencing on Kenosha County case 21CF181.” Wiedenfeld is speaking of the Disorderly Conduct charge that he was found guilty of in Kenosha where he has yet to be sentenced.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
According to a document obtained by KCE, Clyde’s BLM of Lake County was recently granted $300,000 from the Illinois Governor, J.B. Pritzker. KCE expects to report on future criminal activity for McLemore.

27 Responses
It seems that guys like Clyde, eventually run out of lucky breaks and succumb to other types of bad fortune.
Great example of why this country is going to HELL!!
Imagine if one of us “white folks” did something like this? We would be locked up til kingdom come
Exactly!! And they talk about white privilege ?
It has become apparent that the District Attorneys of surrounding counties are in a Circle the Wagons, Good Ole Boy Club irrespective of stated Political party affiliations.
Gravely hands off a Case to Wiedenfeld only to tell Wiedenfeld he would prefer the Case be dropped. Wiedenfeld obliges and Graveley conveniently washes his hands. If only the Conservatives in Walworth County really knew what kind of RINO, pile of dung, they have elected as DA in their county.
Damn $300k? Bet he will be rolling on a new Escalade with spinning rims in no time…
So he confronts you, Kevin, then clams up claiming his lawyer told him not to talk to you? Not exactly the brightest bulb in the box, is he?
So Mr. Graveley you’re saying you can’t do your job because you’re a supporter of BLM? Tell me if you were a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose you would recuse yourself from prosecuting a fellow Moose member? Where does recusing yourself become a lack of action because your fearful of the retribution a terrorist organization might bring to your space? Don’t worry I’m sure being a fearful mouse has its advantages, I just can’t think of any…. Be a man Graveley and do your damn job without passing it off to your superhero!
Excellent point! Are you a Moose member Mr. Graveley? If so I think that makes you a Moose wee wee!
Vishny, since when does ProBono=taking taxpayers money? Something smells fishy…or maybe just greedy?
Ask for a vote of No Confidence and get the signatures needed to bring an end the Graveley’s failings!
We are discovering so many RINOs in our government. I know there have been many for years but it seems people have noticed more since 2020. I’m glad people are waking up. Hopefully we can still do something about it.
You get what you vote for ! The voters of Kenosha and Walworth counties put both of these Socalist asshats in office and appears to have no interest in changing it. You really can’t expect much from communist Illinois.
Of course Lake County States attorney Eric Rinehart dropped the charges. He is a Soros funded states attorney. He and Crook county states attorney Kim Fox were the only Illinois States attorneys to support Illinois outrageous (and Orwellianly named) SafeT act. Which advocates no bail, police ‘reforms’ that endanger the police, and many other inane things.
Part of why I call it ‘Snake County’.
Lawlessness will be met with lawlessness and dealt with accordingly. Not a good time to be a Soros backed individual that puts ideology ahead of your own neighbors.
More BLACK . …Privilege …Libs get another vote ..Thank you Obama …
More BLACK . …Privilege …Libs get another vote ..Thank you Obama … pay for play all Lib ..
More BLACK . …Privilege …Libs get another vote ..Thank you Obama … pay for play all Lib ..#FJB
Keep On Sending In Your Checks Folks! Don’t Forget to Destroy Your City And Cry
Racism !!!
Dude is dressed like a fool. He looks like a Man/Child version of Steve Urkel from
Family Matters. He should of left his Gangsta looking DMC wanna chain from the 1980s though not that it would have mattered; it seems that judge was bought off too.
Time to sell the house and move. If you are a law abiding white person you have no place in this County. Gravely has no spine to do what is right anymore. At one time he had balls but then BLM put a rubber band around them and they fell off. Fuck Gravely.
Seems to me the role is now reversed, this Clyde is telling the DA “Right Turn Mike”. (From a 1978 movie)
13% doing what they do and getting help from our local assclowns
Stand up, rid our city of asshats one and all!
Zeke “God Strength” is the Greek meaning and seems to be way off the mark young man! Walworth County residents need to be paying close attention to your activity!
Well, welcome to Ever’s Realm Brother Mat Kevingston!
Things won’t be any better as long as people keep voting for them.
Democracy: We will win the next one!